“Willy Wonka, Jr.”

Sprague Theater 15 W. Walworth St., Elkhorn, WI, United States

Performed by the students in the Lake Players Ltd. Youth Theater Workshop. 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 3 p.m. Sunday. Sprague Theater, 15 W....

Williams Bay Farmers’ Market.

Edgewater Park Williams Bay, WI, United States of America

Edgewater Park, Williams Bay. (262) 475-6333.

Guided Hike with Harold

Kishwauketoe Nature Conservancy Williams Bay, WI, United States of America

Kishwauketoe Nature Conservancy, Williams Bay; kishwauketoe.org.

Cher Tribute at Belfry Music Theatre

Belfry Music Theatre 3601 WI-67, Delavan, WI, United States

Enjoy a full line-up of live music and performers throughout the summer at the Belfry Music Theatre, located between Williams Bay and Lake Geneva....

Geneva Outdoor Market

Geneva Outdoor Market 3252 County Road H, Lake Geneva, WI, United States

3252 County Road H, Lake Geneva; Farm-fresh produce and handcrafted gifts and crafts. (262) 215-6139 or genevaoutdoormarket.com.

Saturdays on the Square

Elkhorn Veteran's Park Elkhorn, WI, United States

Veteran’s Park, Elkhorn. Featuring local handmade products, fresh, locally grown produce and food vendors. Visit elkhornchamber.com.

Flower Pounding Workshop

Bella Botanica 1787 Walworth Street, Springfield, WI, United States

Create beautiful cards and frameable art with the natural dye from flowers. We'll show you how! Make 3 cards and frame one of them...


Twin Lakes Aquanuts Water Ski Show

Lance Memorial Park 55 Lance Dr, Twin Lakes, WI, United States

Viewing from Lance Memorial Park, Twin Lakes; aquanutwatershows.com.

Made in America – A Tribute to Toby Keith

Phoenix Park 111 E. Wisconsin Street, Delavan, WI, United States

MADE IN AMERICA A TRIBUTE TO TOBY KEITH We are America’s most authentic tribute to the BIG DOG DADDY himself, Mr. Toby Keith. Our...

Cat Stevens Tribute at Belfry Music Theatre

Belfry Music Theatre 3601 WI-67, Delavan, WI, United States

Enjoy a full line-up of live music and performers throughout the summer at the Belfry Music Theatre, located between Williams Bay and Lake Geneva....

Martina McBride performs at Music By The Lake

George Williams College of Aurora University Williams Bay, WI

7:30 p.m. George Williams College of Aurora University, 350 Constance Blvd., Williams Bay. For tickets, call 262-245-8501 or visit musicbythelake.com.

The Cars Time Forgot car show

View over 1,000 classic cars, trucks and custom vehicles at the Lake Lawn airstrip. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lake Lawn Resort, 2400 E....