Ad Rates & Sizes
Our digital partnership offers you the best value for your digital advertising dollars, including a presence on the At The Lake website and in our weekly emails. Select annual or quarterly partnerships.
The partnership includes sponsored content article(s) on, an At The Lake Exclusive blast promoting your message to our readers, your logo in the print magazine and on the website, and digital ads on our website and in the weekly email. Contact Deann for the full details on the digital ad partnership.
Annual Digital Partnership, when bundled with print . . . . $2,995
Annual Digital Partnership, without print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,495
Quarterly Digital Partnership, when bundled with print . . . . $895
Quarterly Digital Partnership, without print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,495
Contact Deann Hausner today for advertising or distribution information!
Office: 262-729-4471 ext 1
Cell: 262-903-9000
Email Deann