Stebnitz Builders Inc.

For Thomas Koonz, a remodeling project meant maximizing his mobility in his Elkhorn home. For his wife, Lynn Koonz, the renovations were a way to simplify her role in Thomas’s personal care.

Thomas has secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, and the couple’s home was becoming difficult to maneuver with a wheelchair – particularly their bathroom.

The pair said choosing Stebnitz Builders for the makeover was a no-brainer.

The family-owned company has specialized in home remodeling and rebuilding projects throughout Walworth County and Northern Illinois since 1972.

Owner Chris Stebnitz says the business’s success has roots in its ability to adapt to homeowners’ needs.

Thomas still can walk about half the time when he’s at home, but he and Lynn were looking to prepare for when that isn’t an option.

That led to a completely gutted and rebuilt bathroom, where a wheelchair now can turn 360 degrees with space to pivot. It’s quite a change from before, when Thomas’s chair barely fit through the doorway.

“From the smallest detail to the grandest part of the whole structure, they did it very, very well,” Thomas says.

Besides knowing they needed a wheelchair-accessible toilet, sink and shower, Thomas says the couple was looking to increase functionality and convenience.“We really relied on their expertise, and that’s why we called them,” Thomas says.

Stebnitz Builders prides itself on following its slogan, “perfecting the art of listening,” and that’s what it aims to do with each client.

Thomas says consultants drew up plans and discussed the details in length with him and his wife, making sure to listen to their desires and ensuring the couple felt comfortable with any changes.

Stebnitz says that’s what makes remodeling so distinct. “Every house is different. From one project to the next, homes are different, needs are different, lifestyles are different,” he says.

During the course of the project, the doors to the couple’s bedroom and closet also were widened, and the bathroom door was repositioned for better accessibility from the bed.

These small changes have made a huge difference, Thomas says, all at an affordable cost.

From price to process, Stebnitz Builders exceeded the Koonzes’ expectations.“It makes my life much easier than before,” Thomas says. “I’m glad we did it now rather than wait until the last minute. It didn’t take too long, and they were really good at cleaning up after they did their work for the day. The process was just outstanding.”


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